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Concepts 2024



Bernhard Ganter Radim BelohlavekSebastian Rudolph –  M. Eugenia Cornejo

Bernhard Ganter is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics (Algebraic Theory of Structures) at TU Dresden, Germany. In his scientific work, Ganter initially dealt with general algebra, order theory, discrete mathematics and connections between these areas. He received his doctorate in 1974. Four years later he became an associate professor in Rudolf Wille’s group at TU Darmstadt, which founded and developed the field of Formal Concept Analysis in the early 1980s.
In 1993, Ganter was then appointed to a position as full professor at TU Dresden, which he held until his retirement, eventually as the Dean of Science.
Ganter is co-author and co-editor of several fundamental publications on Formal Concept Analysis, including the standard monographies “Formal Concept Analysis – Mathematical Foundations” and “Conceptual Exploration”.
In 2008, together with Volker Nollau, he founded “Erlebnisland Mathematik” (“Mathematics Adventure Land”), a popular permanent exhibition located in the Dresden Technology Collections Museum. Many of the exhibits shown there were designed by him.
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Radim Belohlavek is professor of computer science at Palacky University Olomouc. He holds PhD in computer science and in mathematics, and obtained a DSc in informatics and cybernetics from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Earlier in his career he was research fellow and in 2007-2009 tenured professor at the State University of New York. His academic interests are in the areas of logic, discrete mathematics, artificial intelligence, data analysis, and uncertainty and information. R. Belohlavek authored or coauthored four books published by Kluwer, Springer, the MIT Press, and the Oxford University Press, and over 200 papers in conference proceedings and journals including J. Computer and System Sciences, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Archive for Math. Logic, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Neural Computation, J. Logic and Computation, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Fundamenta Informaticae, Order, Algebra Universalis, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Int. J. Approximate Reasoning, and Fuzzy Sets and Systems. He served as editor-in-chief of the International Journal of General Systems and serves on editorial boards of other journals including J. Computer and System Sciences, Fundamenta Informaticae, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, and Fuzzy Sets and Systems. R. Belohlavek is married and has four children. His hobbies include literature and sports.

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Sebastian Rudolph is full professor for computational logic and head of the AI Institute at TU Dresden. His scientific interests revolve around artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on logical formalisms and methods for knowledge representation and reasoning, ranging from theoretical foundations (such as semantic and computational properties) to practical deployment (including ontological modeling and interactive knowledge acquisition). In the course of an ongoing ERC Consolidator Grant, his team currently investigates general principles of decidability in logic-based knowledge representation.

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M. Eugenia Cornejo is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Cádiz, Spain.  Her research areas of interest are fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, logic programming, relational data analysis, fuzzy relation equations and algebraic structures for soft computing. She co-leads two national projects, a working group of the COST Action (DigForASP) and she has participated as a researcher in different national projects and research contracts with companies. She has published more than 150 papers in conference proceedings and scientific journals, including the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Information Sciences, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Fuzzy Sets and Systems, and Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

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